Tuesday, March 11, 2008

D - For Jessica

A friend's blog recently questioned the fun of soccer and why do we adults put our kids in it. I'm not actually even sure if she reads our blog, but it gave me an excuse to post this picture (which has always been a favorite of mine). THIS is why we do it!

PS - She likely now thinks I'm crazy because of my passionate need to defend this sport!


Cindy said...

It is a family tradition for us. We have two kids in it and we love to watch them score and get so excited! :) Great pic by the way!

Jessica said...

I do read! I've stalked your blog for a while!

Noah looks like he's having a lot of fun in the picture. I'm sure John will have a blast taking our kids to soccer games without me...

I even ate my words and went to a high school soccer game last Saturday...maybe kids soccer is more fun but I walked away still not "getting" it. I think I have just heard so much about crazy soccer parents and CRAZY competitive Edmond Soccer League that I have a bad taste in my mouth. YMCA soccer looks like it has the potential to be...fun...

So in conclusion, I'm not hating on the sport, just not "getting it". It may have something to do with all the running, which I also don't "get".

Glad you're reading my blog!