Wednesday, October 3, 2007

D - Katie is 3!

I'm very behind in my blogging right now - as evidenced by the fact that it's almost been 2 weeks since Katie's birthday. Sorry!

We had an INSANE day the Saturday of her party. With a house full of company plus baby showers for both of my sisters and a soccer game for Noah, I think we still managed to make Katie feel pretty special. She and Noah slept on an air mattress in her room that weekend, and I decorated it with balloons and a banner the same way we did Noah's birthday in our hotel room this summer. This was such a big hit with Noah, apparently it's now a Bosley tradition. Anyhow, I think she really enjoyed it.

She had her party at Oklahoma Gold (the local gymnastics gym where she is currently enrolled). It was VERY easy for me which was really important with so many other things going on that day - not to mention Katie really loved it! She is very into gymnastics, and it was fun for her to have the gym filled with her family and friends. Thanks everyone!

1 comment:

KT said...

Happy Birthday! It is so depressing that our girls are turning 3! Where did the time go? Q loves gymnastics too. Although Travis says she is too big to ever be any good. What a downer he is!