Tuesday, April 19, 2011

D - Bye, Bye Dumpster Treasure

Well, this is a red-letter day in the Bosley household.  You see, over15 years ago, my proud newlywed husband walked in the door of our apartment with a real treasure.  He had found a perfectly good set of tv trays just sitting by the dumpster.  Can you believe it?  I guess I'll blame it on the fact that we didn't have just loads of extra money back then (as opposed to now, of course), but for some reason I agreed to let them stay.

Flash forward 15 years to today:

I can't help but wonder what the poor saps who abandoned these perfectly functioning trays would say if they had only known just how many years of entertainment-filled dining they could have enjoyed if they had only held on to these babies.  But, "Out with the old, and in with the new," I say!  Unfortunately..... I only say that about once every 15 years or so.

PS - I'm thinking a weekly blog post may be too much of a challenge.  You'll notice the degree of interest of these articles seems to be declining.  Next week I may have to blog a picture of the hair Mike just pulled out of our shower drain.  Stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

D - A Poem in my Pocket

I babysit for a friend's daughter a couple of mornings each week and yesterday she showed up all excited about a special thing they were doing at school that day. It was "Poem in your Pocket" day. As an English major and someone who used to do a great deal of reading, I LOVED this idea! So much so that I am now on day 2 of carrying around my own poem in my pocket. I realize that I'm a geek, but I am just loving pulling it out at red lights and reading it over and over.

On day 1 I dusted off my old Robert Frost book and made a copy of "The Tuft of Flowers." Day 2, I've got "Mending Wall." In my enthusiasm, I even forced Mike to read yesterday's poem because it reminds me of him. He didn't get much of it, but found himself thinking, "Maybe I like poetry?" Then I forced him to listen as I went line by line explaining it to him - poor guy!

I admit that poetry was one of my least favorite classes in college. But now that I'm older and perhaps a little wiser, I think I may appreciate it more. It certainly made me slow down a little yesterday and appreciate the beauty around me. I guess today I may have to go build a fence... Regardless, it's been a fun little venture for me. So, thank you, Clegern Elementary!

And remember, "Men work together whether they work together or apart" and "Good fences make good neighbors" - just a couple of little pearls of wisdom for you! :-)

PS - Here's a picture of Katie for those of you who couldn't care less about poetry!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

D - Pics

Well, believe it or not, I seem to be at a loss as to what to say this week.  I guess we've slowed down a little.  Actually, that's not true.  Because it's soccer season, we are in high gear, and I guess it doesn't really leave time for doing a lot other than that.  Fun stuff, but maybe not so interesting blogging week to week.

So, I'll just show a couple of pictures this week.  Remember a couple of months ago when I mentioned that we are turning into hillbillies?  At that time, I didn't realize that would include our life in town as well.  This was a proud moment for Mike as his one and only boy took to the street in front of our house in his first solo tractor drive.

And I'm not sure what to say about this kid.  She's either a diva, or a grandma before her time.  She's decided she "needs" glasses, so she's sporting some of my reading glasses here along with her sleep mask.  She cracks me up, but don't tell her.  She's very sensitive and sees NO humor in being laughed at - even if she's trying to be funny.  And Oh! help us if we laugh when she's NOT actually trying.  So, shhhhhhhhhh.