One great thing about those REALLY cold days (where the high temp barely breaks 20 degrees as it did a few weeks ago) is that it becomes very obvious that a fire is needed in the fireplace. A traditional fireplace with a fire is the only time throughout the winter where the fireplace doesn't actually make your house colder. These things are
horribly inefficient to have around. BUT, when the temp is right and the wood aplenty, a nice warm, crackling fire is impossible to beat for creating a wonderful environment in your house. Such was the case the night we decided to build our first gingerbread house with a really cool kit that Dana found at the store.
Notice the highly crinkled forehead necessitated by such deep concentration. Rest assured, those wrinkles readily left her youthful brow after her study was complete. :-)
"DAD! Enough with the camera!"
It's Noah's theory that Katie's side had too much candy on it and the roof just collapsed under all that weight. Despite our underwhelming success, it was still fun so we'll give it another shot next year!
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