Friday, September 26, 2008

D - I Remembered my Login!!!

As you may or may not have noticed, I've been on somewhat of a blogging hiatus for some time now. It started over the summer when I had no time, and I really thought it would end once school started up again. Unfortunately, this has not happened. I guess I'm really slow, because I just figured out TODAY what is different. Katie no longer naps!!!

Because I made her take one today, I remembered that I used to lie down beside her while she was falling asleep. During that time I would think of things I wanted to say. Once she was asleep, I was in here typing away. So, apparently no naps = no thinking = no blogging.

So, I guess this is my feeble attempt at rejoining the blogging world. If you tuned in hoping to read something really enlightening, I'm sorry to disappoint. You just actually spent the last 2 minutes reading NOTHING and learning NOTHING except that I no longer think!


Amy said...

But it's nice to hear from you any way.

Ledbetter Fam said...

I'm glad you're back! I've really missed you.